Disciplinary Outcome of Former Wake County Prosecutor Highlights Severe Flaws in our Justice System

This week, former Wake County prosecutor, Colleen Janssen learned the outcome of the disciplinary hearing to review the level of her misconduct in a criminal case. Though she deliberately withheld critical evidence from the defense and manipulated others to go along with her scheme to hide exculpatory evidence, she did not even lose her law…

The Dress Deception

To those of you who followed the trial, you’re already familiar with the confusing testimony about the dress.  The dress was a key component to the state’s case as evidenced by the amount of time they spent on it, but it was very difficult to follow.  There was A LOT of conflicting testimony about it…

More about the case and the Google search

For those who didn’t follow the trial, it is important to understand that the alleged Google map search is the only evidence worth discussing, which is why I’m spending so much time writing about it.  There was no DNA, fibers, fingerprints, muddy shoes, tire tracks or eyewitnesses.  There was only the Google map search, which…